目前分類:英文有聲書 (68)

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Oxford reading tree --  the Robinson Family



Picture of Kipper

This is Kipper, his real name is Christopher but when he was younger he couldn’t say Christopher so he called himself Kipper instead!

Kipper is five years old and the baby of the family.
He is very mischievous and is always getting into scrapes.
He has a good imagination and loves the world of make believe.
He takes his teddy bear 'Teddy' everywhere with him.


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Oxford reading tree VS Oxford story tree

最主要分別, 是動詞

Oxford reading tree 是過去式的, 除了對話

Oxford story tree 是現在式的

另外, 分LEVEL 方面都會有少少出入, 如 有些在 Oxford story tree 是LEVEL 3 的, 在Oxford reading tree 可能是LEVEL 4 或5

用字上,  Oxford story tree 比 Oxford reading tree 淺一點

若你問我, 我當然選 Oxford reading tree, 為什麼呢?

1) Oxford reading tree 本身是英國很多小學用的教學用書, 而Oxford story tree 基本上是亞洲版, 學英文, 不學原裝英文版去學亞洲版?

2) 若有睇英文故事書, 全部是是過去式寫的, 故事嘛, 本身就是己發生的事, 中文都會寫很久很欠以前, 怎麼會用現在式呢? 所以用過去式才是正宗的做法, 至於有人問不知怎麼解釋給小朋友知, 我倒想反問, 小朋友真的會問嗎? 我家兩個小孩就從沒有問過, 我一向是全英文讀故事給他們聽, 理解上沒有問題, 也沒有問為什麼動詞有分法. 在家聽故事書, 不是以教文化為主, 是以興趣, 閱讀趣味為主, 我不會拿著故事書去跟他解釋每句的文法, 這些留待學校去教吧

所以, 直接買英國出的Oxford reading tree, 怎都比改寫過的Oxford story tree 好吧


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英文故事書 -- Oxford Reading Tree


What’s the Oxford Reading Tree?
Literacy textbooks used at over 80% of the primary schools in the UK.
Over 200 humorous stories with natural-sounding, authentic language native children actually use.
Divided over 10 stages with repeated vocabulary and sentence structures ideal for
English language learners.
Exciting stories with interesting plot twists based around Kipper and his family’s daily life
giving students a taste of the British home-stay experience



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Book Title: Sheep in a Jeep 
Author:  Nancy Shaw
Type:  Word Family
With CD: Yes

Sheep in a Jeep 是一本很有超的繪本, 言簡意賅, 活用WORD FAMILY, 故事情節簡單, 單看圖畫己知內容,

配上有聲CD的音效, 即使完全不懂英文都會明白故事內容

幾乎每句都是押韻, 讀起來很好聽



Sheep in a Jeep 


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Book Title: No Matter What
Author:  Debi Gliori
Type:  Story ABOUT LOVE
With CD: Yes


這是一本我很喜歡的繪本, 主題是愛, 無論你變成什麼, 我都一樣愛你

小孩子, 無論什麼年紀, 都需要父母的愛, 無條件的愛

只要知道你愛他, 他們便放心

家, 永遠是他們的安全窩

JASPER 都很愛這本書, 也會模仿書中問我


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Book Title: Green Eggs and Ham 
Author:  Dr. Seuss
Type:  Word Family, Phonics
With CD: Yes


今次介紹的一樣是DR. SEUSS 的作品, 都是屬於BEGINNER BOOK 系列, 簡單易明, 押韻, 最啱小朋友

這本的故事十分好笑, 即使看圖都易明

再加上有聲CD 的音效


另外, 全書都是押韻, 句子不斷重複, 可以學習WORD FAMILY, 而且仲有介詞學


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jasper 的英文有聲書進入第53周

過去的52周, 一年的時間

jasper 一共聽, 看了104本英文書


亦令jasper 習慣了每天看, 聽英文書





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Week 52 的書單


The Journey Home from Grandpa's

In the Night Kitchen

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Hop on Pop


The Journey Home from Grandpa's

Barefoot 兒歌系列

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Week 51 的書單


The Ants Go Marching

Alligators All around

Each Peach Pear Plum

The Mixed Up Chameleon


The Ants Go Marching

Child play 兒歌系列

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Week 50 的書單


A Farmer's Life for Me


Chicken Soup with Rice

The Very Quiet Cricket

Where’s My Teddy


A Farmer's Life for Me

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Week 49 的書單
Over in the Meadow
Where the Wild Things Are
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
If the Dinosaurs Came Back
Over in the Meadow
Barefoot 的兒歌系列

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Week 48 的書單


There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed the Sea


What's the Time, Mr Wolf?

Dinosaur Encore


There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed the Sea

Child Play 的兒歌系列

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Week 47  的書單
A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
The cat in the hat
Silly Sally
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
A Hole in the Bottom of the Sea
Child Play 出品的兒歌

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Week 46  的書單
The Farmyard Jamboree
Miss Nelson Is Missing!
See You Later, Alligator!
The Napping House
The Farmyard Jamboree
Barefoot 的兒歌系列

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Week 45  的書單
Port Side Pirates
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
Ape in a Cape
Fox in Sock
Port Side Pirates
Barefoot 的兒歌系列

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Week 44 的書單

Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

The Runaway Bunny

Today is Monday

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Week 43 的書單

Down in the Jungle

Curious George Flies a Kite

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

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Week 42 的書單

Kipper's Snowy Day

The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear

My Very First Mother Goose CH 3

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Week 41 的書單

Kipper's Birthday

Rosie's Walk

Magic Train Ride

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Week 40 的書單

Ten Little Monkeys

Kipper's Toybox

My Very First Mother Goose CH 1

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