Book Title: Okk the Book and Other Silly Rhymes
Author: Lissa Rovetch / Shannon McNeill
Type: 押韻, PHONICS
這是我其中一本很喜歡讀給JASPER 的書
每篇小詩都是一個PHONIC 音
Ook the book
I am Ook,
Ook the book.
Do you see me
in my nook?
Will you stop
and take a look?
You will see,
I'm one good book!
Ake the Snake
I am Ake,
Ake the snake.
I can bake. See my cake?
If you take my Snake cake,
I will put you in the lake!
In the TWin
I am In, In the twin.
I am as thin as a pin!
My pig, Lin
is not so thin.
Ug the Bug
I am Ug,
Ug the bug,
This is Glug,
Glug the slug.
Do you want a bug slug hug?
At the Cat
I am At,
At the cat.
Do you see Pat?
He is my rat.
I sat on Pat,
so he is flat.
Et the Pet
I am Et,
Et the pet.
Et the wet pet in a net.
Do you need a wet net pet?
You can get
me free I bet.
Ee the Bee
I am Ee,
Ee the bee.
Do you see Lee,
up in the Tree?
You are free
to look for Lee.
But gee, that bee
is hard to see!
Eep the Sheep
I am Eep,
Eep the Sheep.
This is Peep.
She needs to sleep.
Please do not
make that Jeep
go Beep!
Id the Kid
I am Id,
Id the kid.
Did you see what I just did?
I hid a squid under old Sid!
Ing the Thing
I am Ing,
Ing the thing.
I bring string
to the King.
If you need
a bit of string,
just give a ring
to Ing the thing.
Ow the Cow
I am Ow,
Ow the cow.
I can bark. Bow Wow Wow.
Don't ask me why,
don't ask me how.
I am just that kind
of cow.
Y the fly
I am Y, Y the fly.
It is time to say goodbye.
I will try not to cry.
But my, it's hard to say goodbye!